How to Actually Make and Break Habits
Our habits reflect our core values, especially as we become more mindful of the habits we want to make and what our desired outcome is. If you've failed making a habit before, here's exactly how to set yourself up for success when you make a new habit:
Advantages of an Abundance Mindset
A little clay bull sits beside the computer monitor at my desk to remind me to have an abundance mindset. Why would a clay bull remind me of this you ask? In today’s post I’ll explain the significance behind the bull, tell you a story of how an abundance mindset saved me $10,000 dollars and share some suggestions for cultivating an abundance mindset yourself.
One Breath. One Berry. Blackberry Escape.
The days have been a little crazy lately. I can’t seem to find enough time for all I want to accomplish. This is a challenge I’ve worked on for years and while some weeks I deal with it better than others, my monkey mind was really chattering away this morning...