How To Use Self-Reflection To Meet the New You
The last three years have been a whirlwind of social, economic, environmental and political change. When the world as we know it gets disrupted while environmental disasters impact lives on a large-scale and political tensions and conflicts are ongoing, it impacts your lifestyle, the way you view the world and you as a person. -
The Ultimate Tool for More Happiness and Ease
Are you aware of the aspects of your life that keep you from being happy on a daily basis? At the end of a day, do you feel satisfied and content, or worn down and empty? “What does self-love have to do with general unhappiness when it’s an internal issue?” Well, kind of everything. How can you expect to like your life if you don’t even like yourself?
What I Wish I Knew at the Beginning of My Intentional Living Journey
There is no exact or “correct” way to live intentionally. The possibilities of what it looks like and how it changes your life are endless and completely up to you.But, how can you create these benefits in your own life, no matter what your lifestyle is like? It all depends on how you want to implement it!