Sales & Sustainability: How to be a Mindful Consumer

As we transition from last week’s theme in the JMB Living Journal of Slowing Down, I wanted to expand on this concept and apply it to a challenge we all might be faced with in the coming weeks: staying mindful among excess. Between Thanksgiving meals, Black Friday sales, and the indulgence of the holidays, slowing down and becoming more intentional about our actions, thoughts, and even holiday behaviors and practices can increase the ease and joy with which we approach the coming days.
How Can We Consume Mindfully?
During the holidays, it seems as though everywhere we look there is an advertisement showing us another thing we “need”. Even though some of us might have many gifts to purchase, there are still tips to ensure that we are slowing down and being intentional about our purchases and maintaining balance and self-control.
What can you afford to get rid of?
Before we start buying new belongings, let’s take a fresh look at what we already have with a perspective of what do we no longer need or what no longer serves us. The holidays are a great time to go through items as we typically delve into storage to get our decorations and seasonal clothes. Instead of unpacking everything and immediately putting it in its place, take stock of these items: are they in good condition? Do they look nice? Do you still use it, or is it just routine to keep it? For anything that no longer feels relevant, nice or useful, donate it! Part of gratitude and recognizing abundance is being able to recognize and be grateful for the ability to have too much. Then, we can be grateful for the opportunity to 1) clean out our spaces and 2) donate and give to those in need.
Gift Guide Questions
Be intentional this season. Make a list of everyone you need to buy a gift for, and sit down and take some time to think about each person.
What do they like?
Do they have hobbies?
What do they need?
Have they mentioned something they want but just haven’t bought for themselves yet?
What is an experience they’ve always wanted to have?
Only Buy Worthwhile Gifts
Sorting through the clutter of all of the holiday and Black Friday sale advertisements can be tricky, but there are three easy tips that can help you navigate it all with mindfulness permeating the experience.
Don’t buy something just because it’s on sale.
Those dramatic price drops can be enticing, but was it something that was already on your list, or do you just want it because an ad told you you do?
Ensure good quality.
Fast fashion and corporations tend to have lower prices and lower quality. Are you purchasing a trend or a lasting piece?
Justify before you buy.
Only buy things that you already have a reason to buy. If you’re coming up with a reason while you’re adding it to your cart, it’s probably not something you need and won’t make a thoughtful gift.
JMB Giving: Our 2021 Gift Guide
Instead of participating in Black Friday, why not cross of the list of gifts you need to buy while supporting a small business with quality goods and intentional values? We asked the JMB Living community to share their business endeavors so that we could share them here to help you shop!
Deutsch Brüder Handicrafts
Valerie is a homeschooling Mama of three boys. At their company, Deutsch Brüder Handicrafts, they make handmade, 100% soy candles that are also toxic-free! Making candles together is a lesson in math, science, finance, and social skills! This family is committed to donating 10% of all sales to Urban Concern and Harambee Christian School. Urban Concern is a local organization in the South Linden area of Columbus, Ohio whose mission is "to help Columbus’ inner city youth overcome challenges and thrive in the body of Christ.
All FALL and CHRISTMAS scents are on sale!
FALL $10 each or 5 for $40
CHRISTMAS $12 each or 5 for $50
Nature’s Bath Soap

Shop the full collection here!
Connect on FB:
Realizing life is so busy and we seldom take time to give ourselves the much needed recognition we deserve, Tonya Tate and her sister wanted to give back to those who do so much for others. With this simple vision of wanting to present people with a little affordable gift, Nature's Bath Soap company was created in 2008.
Through learning and listening, her product line now includes over 30 body soaps, bath fizzies, lotion bars, facial serums, lip balms, sugar scrubs and more. With a commitment to stand out from the crowd, and a huge work ethic—success continues.
“I am proud to promote and shout out Buy Handmade! In running my e-Business, taking part in over 15 juried Art & Craft shows per year, along with supplying many retail and boutique outlets, I continue to promote Small Women-Owned Businesses. It is the artist in all of us that is reaching out to show what we can do!” Nature’s Bath Owner, Tonya Tate.
Nyilly Aashaa’ Photography
Elizabeth is an Indigenous Photographer. Her business’ name is Nyilly Aashaa’ Photography which means black bird photography in her language (Kumeyaay).

She has a passion for capturing life’s simple moments, to the best moments, to everything in between. She found inspiration in doing photography through landscape and nature and eventually branched out into the business and it has helped her meet wonderful people and also spread awareness to indigenous cultures as well.

Elizabeth loves what she does and plans pursuing her dreams as a full time Author/photographer in her small home on the Reservation of San Pasqual band of Kumeyaay Indians!
You can get in contact with Elizabeth at @nyilly_aashaa_photography on Instagram.
Mama Goes Beyond
Anissa has recently launched a membership program called Declutter Your Life.
In this membership, Anissa will work with you to simplify living spaces, digital lives, schedules, and mental and emotional clutter.
Founding members can join for just $9/month. To access the membership as well as her other products designed to help create a simple, efficient, and joyful life, visit She can also be found on TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @mamagoesbeyond.
True North Boutique

True North was created out of love for the handmade community + our local makers.
They offer finely curated handcrafted, locally made goods for you and your home. You’ll notice a common nature theme throughout the store. Most of the products are crafted using natural resources and eco-friendly materials and draw inspiration from our beautiful earth. If you're looking for something special your home, yourself, or to give as a unique gift, they have an extensive offering in-shop, and a growing online inventory.
Visit their physical store 137 E. Market St. Suite 102
New Albany, IN 47150
Nutrition Dynamic

Kristen Smith is a doctor of physical therapy and a functional health coach at Nutrition Dynamic (you can reach to her through LinkedIn). She specializes in helping women naturally overcome thyroid and chronic gut issues. Too many women go to their doctor and aren't provided much explanation or real answers to their health issues, and very few are given alternative options to medication. Nutrition Dynamic’s approach to healthcare is very unique in that they really look at the individual as a whole. No two people get the same program. They work on ALL areas of their health and lifestyle to really transform someone's life from the inside out.
Kristen DeAngelis is also with Nutrition Dynamic, as their Director of Health Coaching and Education. You can contact her at Kristen DeAngelis Wellness.
Nutrition Dynamic offers free 30-45 minute consultations for anyone who wants to learn more about the business or wants to know if Nutrition Dynamic be a good fit for them and what they're struggling with health wise. They are the only health coaching business to have a medical team on staff. So any blood work, comprehensive hormone testing, food allergy testing, etc—all of that can be done in-house! They work with individuals all throughout the world via virtual visits.

Whispering Wing Reiki & Massage
Estelle is a member of the American Massage Therapy Association. In 2019, she received her Level One Myofascial Lymphatic Drainage certification, her Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master certification in 2016 and her Medical Reiki Master certification in 2018. In addition, she is a Crystal Reiki Master (CRM), Certified Crystal Therapist (CCT), and Certified Crystal Healer (CCH), and an End of Life Doula through Array of Healing Inc. In 2020, she received certification in Holy Fire Karuna Reiki, Shamanic Reiki, and Vibrational Sound Healing.
Estelle harnesses this knowledge through an array of services she offers to her customers that you can view on her website.
Broadway Boutique

If you are looking for quality fashion, Broadway offers over 8000 square feet of careful curated apparel, accessories, handbags, & footwear, plus some amazing home decor & gifts. We, Broadway's buyers, hand pick each piece for our wide spectrum of shoppers. Women of all ages - teens to the ladies who have enjoyed decades of fashion, urban to rural, travelers from all over the country, visit Broadway to experience it's hospitality. Broadway is unique, warm & welcoming, strong & empowered, & ever evolving.
Located at 204 S Broadway St
Stanley, Wisconsin
The Zaniya Center
The Zaniya Center’s mission is to create a space that will allow you to experience complete and utter relaxation, giving your body time to restore itself. Their goal is to help you train your body to use its own healing powers by utilizing high quality modalities, client education and all-natural body products.
Rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit with personalized Massage services, Float Therapy, Trauma & Tension Release Exercise, Reiki and Life Coaching. Feel free to come early and clear your mind in their relaxing lounge or stay unplugged with some good ol' fashion coloring and reading books. Located in Chippewa Falls, WI 54729. You can visit their website for service and booking information here.
Be Green Bath and Body

We know that most products out there are full of unnecessary fillers, unhealthy toxins, and are often unreasonably priced. Our mission has been to formulate and hand-craft flexible, all natural, affordable products that keep your skin healthy, your body safe, and make the least impact on our planet. Whether you’re looking for a simple moisturizer, an all-purpose healing balm, or a gentle cleanser, you can trust that Be Green’s products are carefully made from the fewest ingredients, with the highest efficacy, in an earth friendly and sustainable manner. Because we keep our products simple, our products simply work. Naturally.
Shop on their online site:
If you’re looking for more gift ideas to support small, sustainable businesses check out last year’s gift guide here.