20 Seasonal Activities to Delight Your Inner Child

As August comes to a close and while I am working on sending out Fall issues of the JMB Living Journal, my mind is preparing for the seasonal shift from summer to fall. It feels hard to believe that it is already almost fall of 2021, which makes me reflect on the last year. So much has happened and even still we are surrounded with news that impacts our daily lives; experiencing joy often may be slightly more difficult than in previous, less eventful years.
One of the things I’ve learned as a tool to cultivate and preserve joy is interacting with my inner child and bringing her to the forefront. Living life from a perspective of wonder and finding child-like joy can bring so much peace and allows me to mentally and emotionally recover in difficult times.
Shifting from Summer to Fall
As fall approaches and the days start to get shorter, now is also the time to begin being intentional about shifting with the season. A core aspect of living mindfully is being aligned with nature and the ongoings of the world around us. I try to find something to love and adore with each season, but I am especially love fall because of how much comfort and slowing down it fosters.
This year, as we savor the last bits of summer freedom and activity and welcome the changes fall brings, let’s allow our inner child to drive our seasonal shift!
20 Ways to Seasonally Shift with Your Inner Child

Go out of your way to step on a leaf that looks extra crunchy
Use your imagination to recognize shapes in the clouds
Ride on the back of your shopping cart back to your car
Stargaze on a blanket - wish on a falling one
Play with the hose when doing outside work
Make a pumpkin succulent centerpiece
Roast marshmallows, make s’mores
Jump in a pile of leaves after raking
Take a moonlit walk, kayak ride etc.
Take an early morning foggy hike
Pop popcorn on the stove
Get lost in a corn maze
Walk barefoot outside
Make a scarecrow
Wade in a stream
Go on a hayride
Bob for apples
Blow bubbles
Jump rope
Smell fall

Find directions on how to make these beauties at sandandsisal.com.
Embracing Your Inner Child and Mindfulness
Do you remember what it was like doing these things as a child? Were there things you never got to do in your childhood? Along with being joyful, indulging your inner child is also a great way to heal from past wounds and grow. Reflecting on things that brought us joy as children and implementing them to our current lives is a simple and easy way to relive good memories and increase our happiness with nostalgia.
We can balance our inner-child’s seasonal shifts with preparation for the new season as well. What do you need to accomplish going into fall? What do you need to prepare for? Fall typically is a good time to mindfully slow down (actually any time of year is a good time to slow down with our current fast paced lifestyles, but fall especially so). Yet is is also a time of productivity as we wrap up our dreams, goals, and accomplishments for the year. And don’t forget to unbox your sweaters and warmer clothes!
Following in Smaller Footsteps
And one more mindful practice to suggest: follow the lead of children. Children are naturally curious, an essential component of mindfulness. So take cues from little ones watching how deep their curiosity runs. You can also introduce children to mindfulness. Multiple studies have been done that indicate that children exposed to meditation and mindfulness practices are better at self-regulation, self-control, and are more likely to have better focus. If you have children, try adapting a couple of your own meditation sessions to allow your child to sit alongside you while explaining the how and why. These precious moments of curiosity and mindfulness together will be mutually beneficial for the both of you!